July 7, 2021  

Can you believe the year is half over already? Where…where did the time go? June is done and July is here. In saying that, it is time to release what we have been getting up to over the last month.

With updates to the whole system, I’m sure there is something here for everyone and of course we have saved our favourite for last… 

Facebook and Google Code Implementation:

With this release, we now give you the ability to add Facebook and Google tracking codes to all of your WOWAPPS widgets (BookingsOrdering, Gift-cards). Once you have installed these widgets you will be able to track conversions (pending IOS-14 restrictions) from all Facebook and Google ads. 

Booking List Stats:

In Booking List mode, we now display a number of additional stats to give you a better picture of your day-to-day operations.

Add Merchant Terms – Google Bookings:

What you have written in your announcement text, now gets sent to Google for customers to see and adhere to.

Want Commission-free Delivery On Google? 

Max Pax Automation

When running the booking widget in Max Pax, if there is a table available identical to the number of the booking, the booking will auto assign itself to that table.

SMS from Google Bookings:

When a booking is made from Google, you now have the option to send an SMS to the customer confirming the booking.

Delivery Tab:

Delivery now gets its own tab. Delivery has been moved from its original spot in the set-up tab to its own area - same fun features, just easier access.

Table # in List Mode:

Table # now appears in your list report and also when exported to CSV.

Timeline Spacing:

For venues that have longer opening hours than others, we now give you the option to space out the timeline via a toggle switch.

Table Batching:

Saving the best towards the end, table batching is now available - choose to get all orders in a single docket all at once, or joined on one big check. When activated, orders will now come into your POS/Bump Bar until a time defined by yourself; meaning the kitchen will only get one docket to work from and all orders will come out to the table at the same time. 

13cabs Delivery Flow Change:

To aid in the re-education of customers and delivery fees, the price of delivery is now showing at the end of the ordering flow, not at the start. This is in the hope that by this stage the customer has already committed to the order. If running a promotion, this also gives the customer the chance to see the promotion with the delivery charge.


Discounts can now be applied to categories and not just products; this also gives you the option to do day/night-based discounts.

Create a Booking without a Table:

In the Managers App, you can now create a booking without actually needing to set up your timeline first. This is great for taking bookings on the fly and still wanting to keep an electronic record of the

Reserve with Google Booking Notes:

Customers can now leave notes while making bookings via Reserve with Google.

The Month Bug Fixes:

  • Location Matching - For 13cabs delivery, a fix has been put in place for when on occasion the estimated delivery does not match the final total, causing the booking to decline.

  • Gift-card/Stripe Fees - If a customer pays using a Gift-card, the Stripe fees will still be left to pay; this has not been fixed.

  • Doshii Web Hooks - A fix has been done for Doshii Web Hooks, where some POS systems would send back a completed status, causing the wrong email being sent to the customer.

  • Cash Option for Order at The Table - There was a bug where non-POS connected accounts could not access a cash option for order at the table.

  • Table Mode Weekly Blockouts - Blockouts now take the priority over all other settings.

  • Timeline Scroll Button - The distance the scroll buttons scroll each click has now changed.

We hope you enjoyed this months updates - WOWAPPS