WOWAPPS pre-ordering allows your customers to order food either from your website, or mobile app so it can be picked up at a particular time, sometimes not even the same day.
It works the same way when a customer wishes to order food in advance and dine in. Using the WOWAPPS ordering system, they can pre-order food to be prepared for a certain time. Then, they don’t have to wait at the table for their order to be prepared. It’s ready and hot when they arrive.
The advantage of a Pre ordering system is that it can work while you don’t. Even if your restaurant is closed and there’s no one to answer the phone, you can still accept online orders as long as the fulfilment time is scheduled for later.

There’s More To Food Orders Than Taking Them By Phone
Pre-ordering means your customers get what they want, exactly when they want it. Here are the top 5 reasons you can’t ignore offering a pre-ordering option:
1. Your customers don’t like waiting. They have busy schedules. They want to make an appointment and have the food ready right when they arrive.
2. When you have an efficient pre-ordering system, your customers will feel special when they’re able to jump past the normal line. Let them in on the secret to better service.
3. Your kitchen isn’t efficient. Sometimes, you have a rush and your team can barely keep up. Other times they’re not doing much of anything. Pre-ordering balances the load, smoothing out the rush times and the down times.
4. Your customers will love the experience, which means they'll keep coming back. Pre-ordering creates loyal customers because it’s efficient and dependable.
5. You’re making your customers’ lives less complicated. They control the entire process, from ordering to pick-up time. Again, no one likes waiting!
Are those 5 reasons to implement pre-ordering not enough to make you a believer? Well, here’s 5 more!
5 reasons WOWAPPS online pre-order service will generate you more revenue
(and if you’re anything like me, you’ll like the option to skip this next section and watch the video here)
Reason #1 - It’s a 24/7 Salesman
Staff get sick, they take time off, and they don’t work at 100% efficiency all day long. Pre-ordering systems don’t have these drawbacks. They work 24/7 and never need a smoke break! Even though your restaurant may not be open, your pre-ordering system isn’t sleeping. It’s always available to schedule orders for whenever your customers want to pick them up during normal business hours. This alone means it will more than pay for itself.
Reason #2 - No Lost Customers During Rush Hours
Some times and days are always busy in most restaurants, especially weekdays during lunch. Since most workers only have an hour before they need to be back in the office, they can’t stand around waiting to order for 30 minutes, then wait another 15 minutes (or more!) to get their orders. If they look in your window and see long lines, they’re going somewhere else and you’ve lost a sale. Pre-ordering makes handling the rush much easier for you. You’ll know exactly what you need to make and how much, so you can have everything ready when it needs to be. But the best part, your customers just walk in, pick up their order and leave. That’s exactly the kind of service they want and expect.
Reason #3 - Turn Slow Times Into Busy Ones
Just like the lunchtime rush, every restaurant has times when things are slow. But you don’t have to just deal with the ebb and flow of customer demand. You can persuade them to show up at any time you want! Give them a deal for pre-orders that must be picked up during specific times.
You don’t even need to use social media or any ads to make it happen (those are bad options any way). With WOWAPPS, you can send a notification to everyone who has downloaded your app. They’re MUCH more effective at generating demand than other alternatives, and they only reach the people who matter - your previous customers! Of all the audiences you can target, they are the most likely to buy.
The result of this strategy is that you don’t have wasted time. You can squeeze every drop out of the day with customer demand that doesn’t slow down.
Reason #4 - Add Delivery Options For Additional Revenue
Some customers may want their food at a specific time, but not want to make the effort to come in and pick them up. No worries, offer them a delivery service for an extra fee. If you already have delivery drivers, this is easy to accomplish. But if it’s a service you don’t offer, WOWAPPS can be used to co-ordinate drivers and orders. Everything is ready in the system, you just need to flip the switch to turn it on.
Just so we’re on the same page here, you need to understand that adding a delivery option for your customers who pre-order isn’t the same as a normal delivery order.
With normal delivery, your customers have an estimate for when their order might arrive, but they don’t know when. With pre-ordering, their doorbell will ring at the time they requested for their food to arrive.
It’s a much more convenient way to order.
Reason #5 - Manage Events Efficiently
When a major event is happening, people with tickets need to be there on time. They can’t sit in a restaurant and wait on a slow server to take their orders. And they definitely can’t wait on the kitchen if it’s experiencing a rush. Just like lunchtime, a lot of people will keep walking when they look at your restaurant and see that it’s full. Pre-ordering takes the risk out of a last-minute meal before an event. They can pick up their food with time to eat exactly when they need it. And again, you’ll know how many orders are needed at a specific time, so your team can prepare everything before it’s needed.
By now, you can see how much your customers will like the option to pre-order. But they aren’t the only ones who benefit. You and your team will like it, too.

Pre ordering Is Like A Crystal Ball For Managers
Some people like the feeling of being in a rush, but it’s not fun for an extended period of time. Wouldn’t it be nice to know ahead of time how many customers you’re going to have each day? Even just knowing the exact orders for one-third of them ahead of time would make your life easier. Pre-ordering systems make that possible.
You’ll see a difference among your staff as well. Pre-ordering helps them...
- Be organised
- Be efficient
- Be less stressed
Put those benefits together and you’re guaranteed to make more money. Plus, with more efficiency, you’re going to serve more customers every day.
You know what that means, right?
More money in your pockets!
Are you asking yourself why you didn’t do this a long time ago? Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re on the right track now. You can see how pre-ordering will improve the image and reputation of your restaurant.
It works, customers like it and it makes life easier for your staff.
Everybody wins.
Every Restaurant Has Two Kinds Of Customers
And it’s true. Everyone really does win. Let’s look at a simple way of categorising your customers to see why: dine in and take out.
Dine-in customers don’t like waiting. If given the choice, they will always pick ordering ahead, and getting their food as soon as they sit down. Absolutely no one likes waiting on a server to take a drink order, then come back later and take a food order, then wait even longer for the food to show up. Pre-ordering removes mistakes from the process and keeps customers moving through your restaurant faster. Everyone is getting what they want.
Now consider take-out customers. Normally, they call when they’re hungry and the order is placed then, which means they need to wait. But if they pre-order, they pick up their food when they know they will be hungry later. No waiting. Simple process. They’re going to order again… and again… and again.
Big corporate restaurant chains are already offering pre-ordering services. Until now, it’s been a difficult system to get running, but WOWAPPS has it all covered for you. Everything works right out of the box, and it’s quick to set up. Get in touch with us today to learn more!
BONUS TIP: One of the most important steps in all of this is to get customers to download your app. One way to accomplish that is to offer in-app only specials. You only need them to do it once, because after they see how easy it is to order (and re-order what they like), they’ll keep doing it.