10 Nightly Orders
$350+ Additional nightly revenue
The Problem
Ally Chow is a South East Asian inspired Queensland restaurant that was doing well, but had not completely recovered from the dip in orders from the Covid pandemic. Like many privately-owned restaurants, it relied on delivery aggregator apps to drive online sales from new and returning customers. The owners wanted a way to take control of their customer lists and escape the high commissions charged by the aggregator delivery services.
The WOWAPPS Solution
The first step was to create a online ordering system design that matched the style and personality of the Ally Chow brand. Once that was running, the restaurant was automatically able to 'WOWAPPS'-Delivery for food delivery where there’s no commission taken from Ally Chow. But the best part? Ally Chow keeps all the data, so customers have a seamless end-to-end experience, and Ally Chow is able to remarket to those customers time and time again.
The owners of Ally Chow saw an immediate difference in how much revenue they kept from orders placed with their WOWAPPS versus the delivery aggregators.
“We recently had a large group order of over $300 which would have cost us around $90 in commissions on a third-party delivery app,” Leish Novy, owner of Ally Chow, said. “NO THANKS! I’m completely sold on WOWAPPS now.”
Beyond the difference in revenue, Ally Chow was also able to begin compiling a list of its customers so it could send them offers without paying for message or advertising costs.
“I’m completely sold on WOWAPPS now. You can have the most comfortable seats, and offer an amazing dining-in experience, but there will always be those customers who want to order restaurant quality food sitting at home watching Netflix.”
- Leish Novy, owner of Ally Chow